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A Red Line Service and Congo Square Theatre partnership, hosted by the fabulous new Reva and David Logan Foundation event space, Movement on Montrose.

  • Date:8/30/2024 05:15 PM - 8/30/2024 07:30 PM
  • Location 2951 West Montrose Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Movement on Montrose


5:15pm - Refreshments

6-7:30pm - Performance

Join us for refreshments and an evening of storytelling, performance and song - the first installment of an ongoing partnership between Red Line Service and Congo Square Theatre. We invite audience engagement, feedback and direction on this ensemble-in-process piece. 

Red Line Service Ensemble Members: Dave Scott, Lacey Harris, Marcela Okeke,  Otha Gaston, PK, Rev, Shay Jones, Tracey Christmas. 

Teaching Artist, Lead Facilitator and Co-Lab Director: David Goodloe.